Brewing Inclusion with Bank of America

At Aspire CoffeeWorks, our mission extends beyond crafting exceptional coffee; it’s about brewing inclusion. Partnering with Bank of America, our journey has been one of empowerment and community impact. A recent highlight is a Lunch & Learn we hosted in partnership with the Disability Action Network at the Bank. 

Bank of America in Chicago proudly serves Aspire CoffeeWorks coffee, not just for its rich flavor but for the meaningful impact it generates. Each sip supports an important cause – providing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Bank of America’s commitment to inclusion goes beyond words; it’s reflected in their actions. By choosing Aspire CoffeeWorks, they champion a workforce that embraces diversity and empowers individuals of all abilities.

Moreover, Bank of America doesn’t just advocate but also practices inclusion firsthand by hiring adults with disabilities. Grace, a valued member of the Bank’s team who works for Canteen Refreshment Services, joined us in sharing why she loves working within Bank of America. Her story exemplifies the Bank’s dedication to working with partners like Canteen and Aspire in creating an inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.

Click to watch Grace’s video

To recognize and honor their contributions, Aspire’s CEO Serena Alaily presented Rita Cook, President of Bank of America Chicago, and Bank of America with the Social Impact Award for their unwavering dedication to fostering inclusion and empowerment within our community. Bank of America exemplifies their commitment by actively volunteering with Aspire throughout the year, representation on Aspire’s Board of Directors, and providing invaluable support through grant funding and sponsorship, notably at our annual Aspire Big City Night gala. Their dedication to our mission extends beyond business transactions, showcasing a genuine partnership built on shared values of inclusion and social impact.

Bank of America Chicago President Chicago Rita Cook (Left) Aspire CEO Serena Alaily (Right)

Reflecting on our recent Lunch & Learn event hosted by Bank of America, Alex Diaz, Leadership Member of Disability Action Network (DAN) at Bank of America, remarked, “I think a lot of the people that came today did not know that they were contributing [through coffee consumption] and that the place they work for is contributing to the local community.” His sentiment underscores the importance of education and raising awareness to spark greater involvement and support. He now finds it to be a source of pride that Bank of America is doing good in the community.

It makes me so proud to realize that I work for a place that chooses to contribute to the local community and understand what Aspire does and their mission.”

Manvi Khandelwal, another DAN Leadership Member, shared her thoughts on the event, stating, “It was great and so informative. It was very inspiring in general just knowing what kind of impact we make. We are happy to be a part of it!”

Bank of America employees at Lunch and Learn, Grace (Front left) to her right Aspire CEO Serena Alaily

At Aspire CoffeeWorks, we believe that every cup tells a story – a story of empowerment, possibilities, and community. With Bank of America as our valued client, we continue to brew a future where inclusion and partnership are the cornerstone of every endeavor.

Watch a video of the Lunch & Learn event below!

Join us in our journey of inclusion. Experience the difference in every sip, knowing that your choice supports an important cause. Choose Aspire CoffeeWorks – where every cup brews a brighter future.

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